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Ice Creme, Squirrels, and Atomic Bombs
IceCreme, Squirrels, and Atomic Bombs

Bob Furlin recounts stories of everyday happenings of no great importance or are they big events that will appear on the evening news. Ice Creme, Squirrels, and Atomic Bombs are subjects that seem to have no relation to one other. However they are true incidents that shaped the inner and outer life of the Author plus made some irreversible changes.

The stories are humorous, puzzling, and mystical that reveal the best and worst in the human nature.

Frank Justice Rules - the Patch
Frank Justice Rules - the Patch

The Patch is a fictional tale of a Coal Mine Village and its Coal Company Police called Coal and Iron Police. It portrays the life of one Iron and the battle he fought to understand and combat the viciousness of the Coal Company Police.

The Coal & Iron Police, a private coal company paid police force, brought in by the coal company. Their job was to keep order among the miners, and keep the strikers out of the town and away from the mine. They were mostly thugs, hired by the coal companies and paid to police the entire town and the coal company property.

Frank Justice Rule (Regnare) is a shadowy character – Lawyer, Policeman, Thug, Mogul -- a rich Avenger that brings justice his way.

The Patch could be any one of hundreds of small mining villages that dot the landscape of Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia, or Kentucky. Life was hard and challenging and the song sixteen tons was spot on -- “You owe your soul to the Company Store.”

‘To serve is to rule.’ Frank Justice ‘For Whom to serve is to reign.’ (Whose Service is perfect freedom).

Anglican Book of Common Prayer Credidimus Jovem Regnare (rule)

James Russell Lowell (1819-1891)

‘The sound of thunder is evidence for our belief that Jove (Jupiter - god of the heavens) reigns in Heaven.'

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The Smell of Honey
The Smell of Honey

The Smell of Honey is a fictional story of intrigue and deceit in the "Cold War’ and the "Silent Warriors’ who played a major role in defeating the ‘Evil Empire’. It portrays the adventures of the main Character, Murph, as he pursues two arch enemies through sixteen years of intrigue. It starts with his childhood years and the events that formed the foundation for his understanding of lies and liars. Then his recruitment and development as a Security Agent and Spy. His adventures lead him through Korea, Eastern Russia, Pakistan, Turkey, Cuba, South Carolina, and finishes on the Island of Shemya in the Aleutian Islands. The fabricated work captures the deception employed by the two Major powers during their rush to be first in and then to dominate Space.

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The Honey Connection
'The Honey Revenge'
'a Cuban connection'

A Russian Colonel code name, Patch One, is out to get revenge for the killing of his brother by Murph a U.S. Intelligence agent. He kidnaps Murph’s son and takes him to Cuba during the missile crisis in the 1960s.
Murph is on his way home from the Aleutian Islands when the kidnapping occurs. He and his wife Tatina give chase and finally rescue their son after working their way onto the Island as Interpreters. Murph leaves for the island first, encounters Castro’s brother Raul, and works his way into his confidence.

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the love flower
the love flower

Bob Furlin’s the love flower is the fictionalized account of promised love and fidelity between a twelve-year-old girl and a twenty-four-year-old man. The time frame for this unusual love story is the late 1800s and early 1900s. It is a story of love and faithfulness with thirty-four years of trials plus deceptions that delayed its fulfillment. This sketch of a true story is dedicated to all who care to read it.

For the Lack of a Penny
See For the Lack of a Penny
The Lack of a Penny is a story about Love, Compassion, and a single Penny. A Penny can represent the funds to see a movie or conquer the disease of Alzheimer’s. In one case a Penny would have solved the problem but in the other case the lack of many Pennies to find a cure for a devilish disease that causes such grief and heart-ace. This is such a story.

Haunted by Words Here
Haunted by Words

See Special Edition -additional articles.--Here
There is nothing but the Word!” Believing His Word, we are passed from death unto life! Center your life in God for reality. The things seen with the natural eye are here today and gone tomorrow! We must be careful not to sell our birthright for a mess of pottage. The sons can believe and receive all prosperity needed when placing God’s Kingdom first! Broken bread feeds the hungry. A whole loaf does not! A glorified body is one filled with Light, which is knowledge. A single eye – when the eye or vision is single the whole body is full of light, full of God then it is born of God. God is light. Light is knowledge! Faith is a person! There is only one darkness and that is ignorance.
“There are many truths that the Word reveals and if written in detail even the world could not contain the books that could be written.” "I am Haunted by Words"
Bob Furlin

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