Louis Furlin
I suspect that old Thomas Jefferson would be standing upright in his grave as he helplessley watches the takeover of his party by the Socialists. Before going any further I am and always be a "Harry Truman" Democrat.
The takeover started in the late '60s and early '70s with Humphrey and McGovern and was completed under the able leadership of Hillary and Bubba. The present bunch of yahoos who control the state and national party are only Socialists masquerading as Democrats, and remember that Socialism has been a miserable failure whever it has been tried.
I have no problem with you misguided locals being Dems, but when you start backing those Socialists in the state and national elections, then you cease to be a True-Democrat. I have no doubt that those who think as I do are the Tru-Dems, so in all fairness we must rename that other bunch. I was going to call them socialrats but that would be rude, so henceforth these political bandits will be referred to as "Sociacrats". A promenant ultra-Socialists by the name of Lenin once stated that you will never defeat the United States from without, you must do it from within.
Rember these sociacrats are not a bunch of people with an IQ of a normal thermostat setting, but they think we are, by some of the positions they take on issues that affect everyone. They have been able to take away our freedoms a little bit at a time, and we haven't caught on until now.
It's about time that all you Tru-Democrats step forward and start preserving all the freedoms that many Americans have given their lives for. Right now, it will be very difficult for any of us to make a difference in this year's elections. Do as they did-don't get greedey, just take back the party small piece by small piece.
I urge all of you to do three simple things. No.1, listen to what the sociacrats say. No. 2, compare this to what they do. No.3, read the 2000 National Democratic Party's manifesto (platform), which takes a firm position on only one thing - "choice". The rest of the manifesto was written by a group of spin doctors for the sole purpose of getting Al Gore elected (failed).
I have 10 positions on issues that are diametrically opposite of the sociacrats. Seven are positions that they are for: abortion, euthanasia, wacko eviromental policies, abolishing the right to bear arms, more and bigger taxes, bigger government, and socilized medicine. Three they are against: the death penalty, school vouchers, and school prayer.
It's strange how things in this country are listed in groups of 10. I wonder where this started, maybe we should ask the atheist and the brain-dead judge who sided with him on the removal of God from the Pledge of Allegiance.
September 2002