Mendacity the Honey Dipper World is a fictional story of intrigue and deceit in the "Cold War’ and the "Silent Warriors’ who played a major role in defeating the ‘Evil Empire’.
It portrays the adventures of the main Character, Murph, as he pursues two arch enemies through sixteen years of intrigue.
It starts with his childhood years and the events that formed the foundation for his understanding of lies and liars. Then it follows his recruitment and development as a Security Agent and Spy.
The women he encountered in that world misled him until he found one that was above that world and captured his heart.
His adventures lead him through Korea, Eastern Russia, Pakistan, Turkey, Cuba, South Carolina, and finishes on the Island of Shemya in the Aleutian Islands.
The fabricated work captures the deception employed by the two Major Powers during their rush to be first in and then to dominate Space.