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Books by Bob Furlin the Patch
the Patch - the Publisher
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The Patch is a fictional tale of a Coal Mine Village and its Coal Company Police called Coal and Iron Police. It portrays the life of one Iron and the battle he fought to understand and combat the viciousness of the Coal Company Police.

The Coal & Iron Police, a private coal company paid police force, brought in by the coal company. Their job was to keep order among the miners, and keep the strikers out of the town and away from the mine. They were mostly thugs, hired by the coal companies and paid to police the entire town and the coal company property.

Frank Justice Rule (Regnare) is a shadowy character – Lawyer, Policeman, Thug, Mogul -- a rich Avenger that brings justice his way.

The Patch could be any one of hundreds of small mining villages that dot the landscape of Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia, or Kentucky. Life was hard and challenging and the song sixteen tons was spot on -- “You owe your soul to the Company Store.”

‘To serve is to rule.’ Frank Justice ‘For Whom to serve is to reign.’ (Whose Service is perfect freedom).

Anglican Book of Common Prayer Credidimus Jovem Regnare (rule)

James Russell Lowell (1819-1891)

‘The sound of thunder is evidence for our belief that Jove (Jupiter - god of the heavens) reigns in Heaven.'

The burning Inns Italian Redneck Cookbook Italian Redneck Recipies It’s the Sacrifice Ono The Valley of Decesion The Valley of Slaughter - The curse of the ages the Speakeasy
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a man a box a change neither do I condemn thee the love flower The Smell of Honey by Bob Furlin NEW BOOK--Ice Creme, Squirrels, and Atomic Bombs by Bob Furlin For the Lack of a Penny Frank Justice Rules the Patch The Honey Revenge
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